Invest only the amount you are willing to lose. This is a risky investment with no principal protection.
Category:Торговля Strifor
Dear Investor
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that trading with leverage is a high-risk investment. Therefore, we consider it important to warn you about the possible risks.
Main risks:
1. Risk of total loss of investment:
Financial instruments can be extremely volatile, and their value can either rise or fall significantly. There is a possibility of losing all of your invested funds.
2. Risk of Violating Capital Management Rules:
It is recommended to use no more than 2% of your capital for each trade. Failing to follow this rule can lead to significant losses. Borrowing money to trade on financial markets is strongly not recommended.
3. Risk of Insufficient Liquidity:
Some financial instruments may have low liquidity, making it difficult to sell them at the desired price. This can prevent timely exit from a position.
4. Complexity of Investments Using Leverage:
Trading with leverage can be complex and require a deep understanding of the process. Before engaging in such investments, it is highly recommended to thoroughly study all aspects independently. One should not solely rely on opinions of third parties or market influencers when analyzing financial markets.
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